

Step up for Students

step upStep Up For Students was created to help alleviate the enormous educational challenges faced by children in Florida who live near poverty. The program provides Tax Credit Scholarships to students in K-12 who come from low-income families. These scholarships allow the students to consider a private school that may better suit their individual needs. This choice is not based on whether the public school is judged as succeeding or failing. Rather, it recognizes that different children learn in different ways and that our collective struggle is to help the students who often are at the greatest disadvantage in modern education.

Click here for more information and to register for scholarships with Step up for Students.


The Family Empowerment Scholarship – Unique Abilities program helps parents individualize the educational plans for their children with certain special needs. The scholarship allows parents to personalize the education of their children with unique abilities by directing money toward a combination of programs and approved providers. These include schools, therapists, specialists, curriculum, technology – even a college savings account.

Click here for more information and to register for the FES-UA


The Family Empowerment Scholarship (FES) Program is one of Florida’s greatest victories for low-income and working-class families, and it is the first of its kind to extend support to middle-income families. FES is an income-based scholarship.

For more information regarding the FES, click here.


AAA Scholarships

The mission of the AAA Scholarship Foundation is to Provide Economic and Other Assistance to Economically-Disadvantaged Families and Families of Disabled students to Enable Them to Select the Best Schools for Their Children.

Click here for more information and to register for a AAA Scholarship. 

2025-2026 Tuition & Fees

Preschool: $10,500
Kindergarten – Grade 8: $13,750
Grades 9-11: $15,000

Other Fees
New Family Enrollment $500
Returning Family Enrollment $250

Facility Fee  $350 (All Students) 
High School Lab Fee $100 (Grades 9-11 Only) 

Carlo Acutis Tier 1 $500
Carlo Acutis Tier 2 $750
Carlo Acutis Tier 3 $1,500
Carlo Acutis Tier 4 $10,000

Beyond the Bell – $5 per hour
Lunch – Included in Tuition