2015-2016 School Year Information

Dear Parents/Guardians, The faculty and administration of The Basilica School of St. Mary Star of the Sea are excited for the opportunity to welcome and get to know you and your incoming elementary or middle school student. We invite you to be a part of our...

Win a 2015 Toyota Corolla

Purchase your raffle tickets here! Once again, Duncan Auto has generously donated another car for our school to raffle off. This year we have a 2015 Toyota Corolla. Please sign up here to help us sell these tickets after each weekend mass (excluding noon mass). Pick...

8th Annual Rock N’ Roast- January 31, 2015

The 8th Annual Rock N’ Roast will be held on Saturday, January 31st, 2015 on the beautiful grounds of The Basilica School. The Rock n’ Roast has become an event not to be missed in Key West. Entertainment from local musicians, a fabulous pork roast dinner provided by...