Rock and Roast

Dear Parents, The Rock and Roast for 2012 is over and what a fantastic event it was! A very special thank you to everyone for working so hard. When that many people come together to accomplish an event – it takes a lot of give and take to do. Father John Baker...


There are several classes in the lower grades starting to fill up. If you have not turned in your registration for next year, please stop by the office and turn it in. Thank you.

Rock and Roast Classroom Assignments

VOLUNTEER MEETING-Wednesday Feb.1 st at 5:00 pm Please come to the cafateria on Wednesday for a short meeting on the Rock n Roast Event.  The day will run smoothly when everyone knows their part.  THANKS  Kindergarten Childcare and Activities: If you are helping at...

Reregisration for 2012-2013

Dear Parents, Reregistration is now is process. Open application for enrollment will begin on February 1, 2012. The reregistration forms were sent home on Tuesday, January 10, 2012. Please note that the form is different from previous years but needs to be completely...