As we continue to prepare for the fall semester, please keep the children and families of The Basilica School community in your prayers. We implore the great martyr St. Catherine of Alexandria, patron of students and teachers, to intercede for us as we prepare for another year. Saint Catherine won the conversion of many souls because of her great knowledge and her ability to communicate the reality of Christ to others, even amidst the Roman persecutions in the 3rd century. Like so many of our young students, her innocence and faithfulness to Christ inspires us to live more devoutly in our own lives.

O glorious Saint Catherine, wise and prudent virgin, you set the knowledge of Jesus Christ above all other knowledge, obtain for us the grace to remain inviolably attached to the Catholic faith, and to seek in our studies and in our teaching only the extension of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ our Lord and of His Holy Church both in ourselves and in the souls of others. Amen.