The Basilica School presents the 3rd annual Mariners March 5K Walk/Run on Saturday, April 27, 2013 at 8:00 am. There is also a Children’s Fun Run at 9:00 am for children 9 and under–FREE!
Register now–T-shirts will go to the first 300 entrants only. There are awards for the top overall male/female runners and the overall masters male/female runners. There are also awards for the top three runners in each five-year age bracket and top five walkers male/female. Pre-registration is $25 or on Race Day registration is $30. Under-18 regstration is $15.
Enjoy the post-race refreshments and much more. You won’t want to miss the fun at this family event.
By the way! The Basilica School class which brings in the most registration forms will win a prize, so put the grade information in the “Referral Grade” box at the bottom of the form.
To help support this event each family is asked to bring in one case of water. Thanks so much!
For more information go to