Dear Parents,

We need your help and it will take only ten minutes. 
What can be accomplished so quickly?  Complete a survey for our school.

The Basilica School of Saint Mary Star of the Sea, like all Catholic schools in the Province of Florida, is accredited by the Florida Catholic Conference ( ).  The Florida Catholic Conference requires schools to engage in a continuous process of school improvement.  The process is based on research by the National Study of School Evaluation, a nonprofit educational research and development organization.

Director of Faith Formation for the Archdiocese, Dr. Kim Pryzbylski, met with teachers, parents, School Board of Management members, parishioners and other stakeholders on December 14, 2012.  At this meeting she explained the School Improvement Process (SIP).

During the School Improvement Process a school creates a detailed profile which gives an overview of the school, its history, its context within the broader community, and a snapshot of the achievement of its students.

As part of this process, parents, faculty, parishioners, and students in grades 5-8 are asked to participate in a survey to gather information.  The survey results help identify strengths and areas for improvement within the school.  The areas identified for improvement will become our goals, as required by the SIP. 

The Basilica School survey will be available online at SurveyMonkey® starting: 

Monday, February 11 and closing Sunday, February 24, 2013

We need every parent to participate in the survey.

You will also receive the website link via an email to be sent out on Tuesday, February 5, 2013. Additionally the survey link will be on the school website (

Thank you for your participation.  Your input will help The Basilica School provide the best education possible for our children in partnership with you, their first and foremost teachers.


Beth Harris