First Annual White Elephant Gift Exchange
Wednesday, November 7
6:00 – 9:00 PM in the Cafeteria
Ladies Only
Rummage through your house and find something to give as a gift; something from a previous holiday, given to you from your mother-in-law, or something you were given, but just don’t like! Wrap it up and bring it to the White Elephant Gift Exchange. The White Elephant gift must come from your house – no purchases allowed. You want to bring something worth fighting for, to make the party more fun, as the game involves each lady getting to choose either a wrapped gift from the unselected pile of gifts, or to take a gift already chosen, and unwrapped, by one of the previous recipients. You want to bring something “steal worthy” if possible. To get ideas, Google “white elephant party” and see what comes up. Bring an appetizer to share, your own beverage to drink, and come prepared to have some fun with the ladies from our school family! Feel free to bring Mom or Grandma or a good girlfriend, too! This is not a fundraiser. It’s just a FUN-raiser!
Questions? Want to help!
Please contact: Shannon Musmanno
305.304.7857 mobile